Aztec life

The Aztecs were people who lived in Mexico, until about five hundred years ago. The Aztecs were very powerful. They ruled over lots of land and people.
No one knows exactly where the Aztecs came from. They arrived in Mexico about 700 years ago, looking for a new home.
Other people already lived in all the best places. After a long journey they arrived at a lake in a big valley. They began to build houses on a few islands on the lake. The Aztecs called their new home Tenochtitlan.
Most of the Tenochtitlán's buildings were destroyed by the Spanish and Hernan Cortes. The current capital of Mexico, Mexico City, is located at the same location. Archeologists have uncovered the ruins of Tenochtitlán near the center of Mexico City. 

Like nearly all of the ancient civilizations, the rich lived in luxury and the poor worked. In the Aztec civilization, class structure was very important. 


The Rich: Homes of the nobles and wealthy were made of sun-dried brick. If you were very wealthy, you home could be made of stone. All homes were whitewashed to make them look clean and shiny. Bathing was an important part of daily life and of religion. Bathing was believed to clean both the body and soul. 
The Poor: Homes of the farmers and other commoners were huts with thatched roofs. Furniture was limited.  Everyone had a garden of their own, including farmers. 

Upper Class: People in the upper class wore clothing decorated with feathers and embroidery to show their status. They also carried fans made of feathers. 

The Aztec nobles had slaves. Slaves were not captured people. They were Aztecs. 


All Aztec children had to attend school, even girls and slaves. The Aztecs were the only people in the world at this time in history to have free schools that every child had to attend by law.

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